B'e Lovely Always

Introducing the Lovely Collection
LOVE VEGAS B'e Lovely Always
Explore the Love Vegas Collection
About the Love Vegas Collection
Love Vegas LLC was founded by Warleah Love Teamah in 2018 for woman of all colors, size, and curves!!
Love Vegas was founded on the principle that every woman is not just beautify from the reflected beauty outside, but from their unique personality within.
Love Vegas is a company that bringing elegant, classy, beautiful lingerie, for fun and love. To enhance and promote the beauty within you, to be comfortable and confident in the body and skin your in.
Our Mission: We are here to spice things up and enhance your personality!
Our belief: We believe it’s your right to be Bold and Beautiful. Add something to shine that light on you; why because you deserve Happiness and Fun!
Love the women you are.Your a badass, but intelligent with a good heart, soft but strong she's Intimidating, because she's powerful, she know her worth. Honest, but apologies when she wrong even when she knows she's right, because it hurts you so she feel the wrong, shes worth standing up for. She's that woman you can't wait to Marry but she not perfect and she's okay with that LOVE VEGAS say Loveyourself be Bold and Beautiful